Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tentative Schedule

We started stimulants yesterday.  The Gonal-F comes in pre-filled pens with multiple doses.  You click it to your prescribed dose, and pull the end all the way out.  Well long story short, Randy didn't click it all the way down the first time, so we only had a partial dose.  So he had to stick me again.  We definitely love each other for having to go through all this! 

Here is the tentative schedule thus far.  We are now doing the stimulants and doctor visits where they monitor the follicle development.  And sometime between Monday, 2/1 and Thursday, 2/4 they will do the egg retrieval in Metairie.  Luckily I will be "consciously sedated" because I don't want to remember it.  Then 4 days later normally, Thursday 2/4 through Sunday 2/7, they will but the embryos back in.  I have to be bed rested for at least 2 days afterwards.  The nurse explained it as "once they put those little embryos back, they don't want them going anywhere!"  And I do agree with her logic!  So only allowed to get up for restroom breaks - I am sure Randy is looking forward to that part of it! 

There will be dosage changes, and different injections added at some point, but I won't know all of that until it happens.  It all depends on follicle development and how blood work looks.  But it looks like around February 15th is when we will know if it was successful or not. 

Keep Praying!!!!


breanna said...

I like to see that you're using your work time effectively

Ashley said...

Technically - I only sent an email!!