Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Ultrasound Check Up, Day 7

I went to the doctor today for my first ultrasound on stimulants.  I was nervous but I think it's just because I've come to expect the worst!  I knew the medicine was doing its job, because I can feel it working.  I know exactly where my ovaries are!  It's a weird tugging, tingling, twitching feeling with a lot of pressure.  If I could just unbutton my pants and walk around like that all day, it would be fantastic!  But according to the nurse/ultrasound tech, I am developing really well.  I have 5-8 clear follicles per ovary after 3 days, and one is already 12mm.  The nurse thinks they will go ahead and put me on the LH surge suppressant to keep me from ovulating.  I will know when they call me this afternoon.  The way the office works, is we all do our ultrasounds and blood work in the morning, and once results are in, the doctors all together review the results and agree on guidance each day.  It is really kind of neat, having multiple opinions instead of one.  So so far so good!!

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