Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First IUI Attempt Begins...

Well, cycle day one was Monday, 6/15! You know, growing up, the thought that I would track a cycle so ferociously that I make my "Cycle day" number bigger than the actual date on the calendar - never occured to me. So not fun. However, the analytical side of me is rejoicing at my paper clipped, stapled and organized Fertility file... sigh

Ok, back to the update. I had my first appointment today with the RE (Reproductive Endocronologist) and I had an ultrasound to check to see if my ovaries were forming correctly. Well all I saw of course were 2 black spots, but apparently that was a good thing! They were my maturing eggs. So after this, the nurse gave me a schedule and lots of prescriptions. I am doing my HSG next Tuesday to make sure my inner workings all look ok. And I'll start Clomid this Thursday, followed by antibiotics, followed by another ultrasound and a "trigger shot" Saturday, 6/27. We will actually have the IUI Monday morning, 6/29. Then, from all I have read online, is the horrible 2WW. What does this mean? (Online fertility blogs have about a thousand acronyms, and one day I'll write out what they are and make up funnier names for them just for the fun of it) It is the 2 week wait... either for no period and a positive pregnancy test, or greiving and starting all over.

I keep hoping we'll be lucky, and it will work on our first try. Odds are of course against my wishful guessing, but God has done so many other things for us we never know. If I'm really gonna go out on a limb on my wishful guessing, we'd have twins on our first shot and kill those 2 birds with this expensive stone! We just have to keep praying, and not get discouraged when it is so easy to. We have to remember that we have people who love us, and that placing myself in a shell so that I can lock the world out is not the right thing to do... well, I have to remember, not Randy.

I try and remember 2 Corinthians 12:9 - 'But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.'

We all want people to think we have it all together, that we are strong. But no one does. God created us for fellowship - to love each other with His love, to help each other strengthen our own walks.


breanna said...

i might need your friends to pray for me too. i'm a little nervous about the HSG and all i have to do is drive there and back! :)

all my (& my families) thoughts and prayers are with you guys through this. (yes Randy, i told my mom)

love you both and i'm here for whatever you need.

trixerelixer said...

i can only imagine what is rolling through your mind at any given point in time. know that i'm here praying for you! continue to know we're gonna be there for you, even if we have to force ourselves through that shell of yours! ;) ::hugs:: let me know what i can do to help!