Thursday, June 25, 2009

Feritility Acronyms and Better Definitions

Ok - I need some fun. Two days after my HSG, I still feel like someone has punched me in the ovaries. So it's time to try and make this process a little more entertaining. Here are some of the
commonly used acronyms on any fertility blog or forum - and I want to follow with more fun terms just to make it more interesting... :)

2WW - 2 Week Wait - 2 Women Wiggin.... that's right, I said wiggin... wiggen out! And why 2? Because me and at least one other friend will be freaking out during this 2 weeks, waiting to take a test. I can't flip out on my own! Enter Breanna...

BFN - Big Fat Negative - Better Find Napkins, because the next week will most likely be spent in bed in tears wiping my nose on anything disposable... watch out Flip.

BFP - Big Fat Positive - Broke for Parenthood! This is the bumper sticker I will put on my car if we ever get pregnant. Most people go broke after they become parents, but some of the lucky few get start beforehand!

AWOL - A Woman on Lupron - I'm gonna have to use the military term - Absent Without (Official) Leave. This is the point where horomone pills have reached a maximum and the husband will dissapear for hours and not answer his phone! Apparently women with extra hormones can make for some extra mood swings...

More to come! These are just a few of my favorite ones :)

1 comment:

breanna said...

i have your entire schedule written down in my purse notebook and i have a tally where i'm counting down days (both until i'm allowed to go back to my job and to july 10)... sorry i had to throw something about me in there, but sometimes it can't be helped