Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Pain, Pain and More Pain

This is not fun at all!  I just want to get my whining out of the way initially - it hurts to walk!  Every step I take I can feel pain in my ovaries they are so large.  I went to the doctor Monday morning, and it was borderline.  I had one or two 18mm (the magic number) and a lot of 16s and 17s.  After getting my blood work, they decided to give me one more night of stimulants and I had to go back Tuesday morning.  It was only 2 more shots, and they weren't that bad.  So I went back for another ultrasound and blood work, and once finished I was sitting in the room waiting on my nurse.  The nurse at the station was looking at my file and said "Good Lord, Ashley!  Are you hurting?"  My reply of course was, "Well yeah! How come?"  She said I had at least 7 on one side and 8 on the other that were already ready (at least 18mm or higher)  And those were just the ready ones, I had QUITE a few more on each ovary.  Once Jackie came in, she said once I trigger (Ovadril) they mature and I'll have more mature, so she is guessing at least 9 eggs per ovary.  Some could be empty or have multiple, but just looking at it, we could get around 20 eggs.  This is good, because not all eggs will fertilize (apparently you are born with 1/3 of your eggs capable of fertilization.)  So Thursday, 2/4 will be our egg aspiration.

So everything is going great!  The two nurses said I am responding fantastic to IVF, which is expected due to age and issues.  Ok, the bad news - the day of the aspiration, I have to start taking an intramuscular injection for progesterone.  It's an oil going into the muscle, so it's  THICK needle.  I about stroked.  I spoke with Dow's Medical department, and they can give it to me during the week.  And I've asked my Sunday School teacher Lenna (a retired nurse!) to at least start us on the weekend and maybe show Randy how.  After seeing the needle though, I love my husband dearly, but I am not sure if I want him coming at me with that thing.  It's huge!  So we'll see what happens.  The funny thing is I have had 2 people say to me after telling them this "Well I bet Randy sure is relieved he might not have to do this!"  My response?  Randy?? If he messes it up it's an oops - but for me it's an OUCH!  I think their sympathy might be sliiighlty misplaced, because I am sure the "this hurts me more than it does you" doesn't apply!

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