Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tithing and Christians in need...

Ok, interesting perspective raised today in Sunday School. God calls on us to tithe our first 10%, then we follow with offerings afterward.

Malachi 3:10 - Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if i will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

We were discussing why almost 20% of Christians do not tithe at all. A woman in class, who is not in our normal class said this - (completely paraphrasing also!) Her class knows how she feels, this has been discussed previously, but if she has a family member or a friend that is in need, and they are a brother or sister in Christ, she will give to them and put that in front of her tithe. This question has arisen in my mind before. If we give 10% to Christians in need, people in the will of God, should this come before tithing? Our 10% is an offering, to give to the church was God has given us. Should we tell our family and friends in need no, if we cannot do both?

This perspective has never been brought to my attention before, so any discussion is welcome!

God Bless...


Carrie Moore said...

I don't know Biblically what is the correct answer to this discussion, but I would say that God always gets the first 10% and whatever we can do to help others in need goes above and beyond that. Plus, just a consideration from someone who gets paid by the church: when people don't tithe, those that the Lord has called into ministry don't make a living.

That's my two cents worth--right or wrong!

Chrissy said...

Actually, I think the numbers are WAY lower...only about 3% of Christians tithe on a consistent basis.

I've actually been struggling with the way giving is taught in churches over the last several years. Here is something that will make your brain hurt:

Just stumbled upon your blog...will check back! :o)

Ashley said...

Thanks guys! I wanted the discussion - I was so floored by this statement I wanted other input. What struck me after I wrote the blog (but I never updated it) is that by doing this, she is deciding that she knows what is best for God's kingdom. By choosing to give to only Christians, which is not our calling, she is saying she knows best what to do with God's 10%. He gives us all we have, and only ask for 10%, so we must trust Christ and not try and control His tithe.