A group of us went camping on Friday night, 2/27/09 at Tickfaw State park. We had a blast. We arent' necessarily all "experienced campers" but we did have a couple of Eagle Scouts amongst us to help out! We arrived later on Friday and set tents up at night... very interesting in and of itself. We had a group from our Sunday School class get together. Most of us are not from around here, so it was a wonderful time to be able to make friends here in the Bayou. The Bayou is definitely a little odd at times! While we only stayed one night, we made the best of it. We stayed up late by the campfire, telling stories and getting to know one another. The really interesting part came once we decided to go to bed. You see, the campsite thinks ahead and has sand pits to place tents on. Good idea, right? Wonderful idea if it hasn't rained for days and you remember to toss the sand before placing the tent! But if neither of the above apply to you, it is like sleeping on concrete. And me being a city girl compared to my husband, I decided I'd try and rough it and not bring our air mattress like I had originally wanted. Needless to say, at about 3 am of not sleeping on our solidified sand, I stole the giant pillow dog bed from kicks to sleep on it. You know it's rough when.... poor kicks, he had to sleep on the ground... like a dog...
Following this incident, I awoke about 4 am from my dog bed with nature calling! Well leaving tent in the middle of the night to "do nature's bidding" isn't nearly as quiet as in a bedroom. I managed to unzip the tent and leave without waking the dogs and then crunched my way through the blind darkness into the woods. Unknown to me, our fellow camper Cory, also had the same calling. Being as he was not listed in the ranks among our eagle scouts, he was slightly freaked when he heard all the crunching I was doing. So as I teetered behind a tree, I also had to manage dodging a flashlight as Cory spotlighted me a few times to make sure I wasn't going to eat him. Very funny story the following morning when hee realized I wasn't a bear and I realized he wasn't a crazy man.
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