This past weekend was great! Randy and I, along with our new friends Tricia and Adam Raney, volunteered with the McMains Center for their annual canoe trip. It is a center for kids with Cerebral Palsy, and it's a chance once a year to experience the fun in the outdoors and canoing. We had a blast! The Raney's were able to lifeguard, while Randy was listed as an "expert" cano-er. Me being mediocre and all, I just sat on the sidelines, but I had a blast! After this, we all came back and finally had people over! We grilled, made homemade strawberry ice cream, and had a blast. It has been harder making friends down here in Red Stick, but we are slowly working on it! And we have now found great friends through church, so we are blessed.
Hey there, Ashley! I got a friend request from someone today, and since I don't get on facebook that often (I'm more on MySpace and LiveJournal than anything else), I decided to see what all 25 of my facebook friends are up to. I'm still not sure how all of facebook works, but I saw you had a blog, and decided to check it out. I'm so happy that things seem to be going well for you! I really want to marry my girlfriend soon (I just have to have a steady job first). You may remember her. Jennifer Villianueva? Or her younger siblings, Heather or Brian? Anyways, we're pretty serious now. Been dating for 2 yrs in October. Seeing this has given me an idea. We'll make a blog specifically for when we get married! Thanks for the idea, and hope things continue to go well for you! God Bess!! ^_^
PS: I can't believe you didn't list Dragon Ball Z as a favorite TV show! ;)
Oh, and this is Joe Raines, if you couldn't figure it out. :P I thought my name would be there, but you may not know 'randomguy1313' as me, so there ya go. Take care!
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