Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Transfer Day

Well today was our FET transfer day!! The transfer went smoothly and ideal, so no problems there. They thawed the first straw, and only one made it :(. But they thawed the second straw and both made it! So we put back 3 perfect blastocysts! Here is a picture of 1 of the 3. Secretly I think I was hoping for 3, just to up my chances since the likelihood of triplets was low. I think I should be knocking on wood about right now? ;) Randy is a little nervous though, which is understandable! I just really hope this is it and we don't have to go through this again. I'm tired of needles, and strict schedules, and all around disappointment. I'm ready to be pregnant, so that I can move on to the freaking out because I'm pregnant and don't know what to do! I've been focused for over 2 years on the getting pregnant part - don't know much about what to do after! But at least on that end, I'll have people to talk to who have been on THAT part of the journey! So keep praying and cross all your fingers and toes!


Kelly Aldridge said...

We are praying and praying!!!

Unknown said...

I just found you via twitter, and I just wanted to say GOOD LUCK! We put 3 embies back also, so I know how those nervous that can make you. Take care of yourself!
