We are now into spring camp for Randy. It consist of him leaving at 4:30am each Monday morning and returning on Friday around 3:00. Not much fun! I didn't realize how much we do around here until I have to do it all on my own! I'm now doing the house, animals, and gardens alone, and it's just a bit too much sometimes! But what all has happened since January...
We have planted a garden and re-planted a flower bed. We now have food and flowers on the way! It's great!
We have joined Parkview Baptist Church.
http://www.pbcbr.org/. It is a church and a private Baptist School on the East side of Baton Rouge. It is a great church. We are very fond of the new preacher, and becoming heavily involved in our Sunday School An older experienced couple leads the newly married 20's class, so it makes it very interesting!! We are trying to find where we are needed in the church, and where God wants our service. We are ready to go where Christ needs us, so we are finding our place.
We have been trying to reign in Kick's attitude. He always is upsets when Randy leaves, so we are trying to help compensate with it by a lot of walking. It is working pretty well, but we still worry when kids come along. But the animals all together are just a handful!! And even with the cat, I didn't think they were supposed to be so needy! If Mr. Flip isn't fed as soon as I walk out of the room in the morning, I'll hear about it all day.
So not too much going on, just wanted to recap. I'll post pictures on here this weekend hopefully when Randy returns with our laptop. This will be so much more interesting when we have kids!~