Ok, where do I start... Randy and I have been trying for a year to get pregnant with no success. I went to visit my OBGYN to do preliminary tests, just to rule out any issues. We had some tests come back that were bad enough to refer us directly to Dr. Webster, a Reproductive Endocronologist. WHAT?! How did WE get here? Of all the people I know, no one seems to want to be a mom as badly as I do. This past year of trying with no success has been so hard, but I always assumed it was something simple. No one ever thinks they'll be sitting in that conference room, waiting on a specialist to come in and speak with you. It's not a feeling I wish on anyone. My last blog was about our new battle, and this seems to be it. The likelihood of getting pregnant on our own is less than 1%, so the dream of taking that test and getting a positive sign has gone away. Our new trial is here - finding out where to go next and what God wants in our life.
Right now, here is our next step in the journey. The good news, is he is slightly optimisitic. We aren't completely out of hope, and he thinks an IUI should be successful. I have to have an HSG, in order to deteremine that everything is alright on my end. Following a good outcome of this test, they will do an IUI (Intrauterine Insemination.) It will involve Chlomide and a series of shots and a "concentrating" of Randy's, well, product followed by a pretty exact timing of insemination directly into the cervix. Just kinda takes the romance of out of it, doesn't it? It is only a 20-30% chance, but the doctor is hopeful, and it's WAY cheaper than IVF. Also, it's a natural fertilization, so Randy and I are ok with that. (We still have major reservations regarding IVF and Christianity.)
So, good news - If we do this next cycle and it's a success, we could be pregnant by the end of June.
Bad news - A minimum costs of about 1500, so it's not going to be cheap. And the success rate is not as high as IVF.
Pray for us. Pray that Christ will give us peace during this trying time. Pray that we can seek His guidance, and know to follow it where He wants us to go. We know more than most people that He has our plan already, we just have to seek it... and of course fight discouragement when it isn't what we think it should be.