This weekend was interesting. Well, funny for us and not so good for our Cocker Spaniel. I brought her to PetSmart to be groomed this past Friday. We walked in, and the fear was in her eyes. I don't know if she recognized the smell, or the swinging door, or even the woman with the long blue trench coat on... Whatever sparked her recognition, she knew she would be left for hours without having much fun. Well she began to shake so of course I felt horrible! We have wanted to grow her hair out so she'll now look like an official Cocker Spaniel. So we asked for the top dog package, with the cocker cut. However, her hair is not long enough yet to lay down and be pretty. So she got a cocker cut, shaved on top and left long on the side. But instead of her longer hair laying down, it flies out to the side like a bald man in denial! I feel like she's the poor child with her bad haircut for the yearbook photos that will always be shown to future boyfriends. It was too funny not too share!